El 2 de febrero de 2021, SASO publicó una cicular relativa al Reglamento Técnico (RT) de las Herramientas de Racionalización del Agua. Este aviso es un recordatorio de que los Organismos de Certificación están autorizados a emitir certificados de conformidad de producto (PCoC) con la versión anterior del reglamento técnico hasta el 14 de febrero de 2021.
El 17 de febrero de 2021, el Ministerio de Comercio de Arabia Saudí retiró del mercado las velas Magic Seasons Candle 6PK LED Tea Lights por riesgo de asfixia o quemaduras internas para los niños. Se aconseja a los consumidores que dejen de utilizar el producto y se deshagan de él o lo devuelvan para obtener el reembolso íntegro del importe de la compra.
El 17 de febrero de 2021, el Ministerio de Comercio de Arabia Saudí retiró del mercado las velas Magic Seasons Candle 6PK LED Tea Lights por riesgo de asfixia o quemaduras internas para los niños. Se aconseja a los consumidores que dejen de utilizar el producto y se deshagan de él o lo devuelvan para obtener el reembolso íntegro del importe de la compra.
El 17 de febrero de 2021, el Ministerio de Comercio de Arabia Saudí retiró del mercado las velas LED Timer Flamelss debido al riesgo de asfixia o quemaduras internas para los niños. Se aconseja a los consumidores que dejen de utilizar el producto y se deshagan de él o lo devuelvan para obtener el reembolso íntegro del importe de la compra.
Para más información sobre estas retiradas, visite recalls.sa
On February 24, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for the Hitachi Washing Machine Model #SF-P120XA due to non-compliance with the Saudi Standard for Energy Efficiency. Consumers are encouraged to check that the product serial number is included on the website. Contact the company to arrange an appointment for a technician to remove the washing machine and recover the purchase amount in cash.
On February 24, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for the Hitachi Washing Machine Model #SF-P100XA due to non-compliance with the Saudi Standard for Energy Efficiency. Consumers are encouraged to check that the product serial number is included on the website. Contact the company to arrange an appointment for a technician to remove the washing machine and recover the purchase amount in cash.
On February 24, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for the Hitachi Washing Machine Model #SF-H100XA due to non-compliance with the Saudi Standard for Energy Efficiency. Consumers are encouraged to check that the product serial number is included on the website. Contact the company to arrange an appointment for a technician to remove the washing machine and recover the purchase amount in cash.
On February 24, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for the Hitachi Washing Machine Model #SF-P180XWV due to non-compliance with the Saudi Standard for Energy Efficiency. Consumers are encouraged to check that the product serial number is included on the website. Contact the company to arrange an appointment for a technician to remove the washing machine and recover the purchase amount in cash.
On February 18, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for the Hitachi Washing Machine Model #SF-P200XWV due to non-compliance with the Saudi Standard for Energy Efficiency. Consumers are encouraged to check that the product serial number is included on the website. Contact the company to arrange an appointment for a technician to remove the washing machine and recover the purchase amount in cash.
On February 18, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for the Hitachi Washing Machine Model #SF-P140XA due to non-compliance with the Saudi Standard for Energy Efficiency. Consumers are encouraged to check that the product serial number is included on the website. Contact the company to arrange an appointment for a technician to remove the washing machine and recover the purchase amount in cash.
On February 18, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for the Hitachi Washing Machine Model #SF-P90P due to non-compliance with the Saudi Standard for Energy Efficiency. Consumers are encouraged to check that the product serial number is included on the website. Contact the company to arrange an appointment for a technician to remove the washing machine and recover the purchase amount in cash.
On February 18, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for the Hitachi Washing Machine Model #SF-H75XB due to non-compliance with the Saudi Standard for Energy Efficiency. Consumers are encouraged to check that the product serial number is included on the website. Contact the company to arrange an appointment for a technician to remove the washing machine and recover the purchase amount in cash.
On February 18, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for the Hitachi Washing Machine Model #SF-H130XA due to non-compliance with the Saudi Standard for Energy Efficiency. Consumers are encouraged to check that the product serial number is included on the website. Contact the company to arrange an appointment for a technician to remove the washing machine and recover the purchase amount in cash.
On February 18, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for the Hitachi Washing Machine Model #SF-P240XWV due to non-compliance with the Saudi Standard for Energy Efficiency. Consumers are encouraged to check that the product serial number is included on the website. Contact the company to arrange an appointment for a technician to remove the washing machine and recover the purchase amount in cash.
On February 18, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for the Hitachi Washing Machine Model #SF-P130XA due to non-compliance with the Saudi Standard for Energy Efficiency. Consumers are encouraged to check that the product serial number is included on the website. Contact the company to arrange an appointment for a technician to remove the washing machine and recover the purchase amount in cash.
On February 14, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for the General Tech Air Conditioner Model #GT12CH due to non-compliance with the Saudi Standard for Energy Efficiency. Consumers are encouraged to check that the product serial number is included on the website. Contact the company to arrange an appointment for a technician to remove the air conditioner and recover the purchase amount in cash.
On February 14, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for the Hyundai Air Conditioner Model #HMACS120CGRH due to non-compliance with the Saudi Standard for Energy Efficiency. Consumers are encouraged to check that the product serial number is included on the website. Contact the company to arrange an appointment for a technician to remove the air conditioner and recover the purchase amount in cash.
On February 11, 2021, the KSA Ministry of Commerce issued a recall for the AKAI Air Conditioner Model #AMACS120CGRH due to non-compliance with the Saudi Standard for Energy Efficiency. Consumers are encouraged to check that the product serial number is included on the website. Contact the company to arrange an appointment for a technician to remove the air conditioner and recover the purchase amount in cash.
For more information on these recalls please visit recalls.sa
SASO ha anunciado las siguientes mejoras en la plataforma SABER:
El registro puede hacerse ahora en tres (3) pasos.
El sistema de etiquetado de eficiencia energética se ha integrado con el certificado IECEE en la plataforma SABER. Esto permitirá al sistema extraer la marca comercial y los modelos con licencia del sistema de etiquetado de eficiencia energética al registrarse para el certificado IECEE. Los certificados IECEE emitidos antes de la integración recibirán un mensaje de alerta para añadir modelos al certificado IECEE antes de incluirlos en el certificado de conformidad de envío.
Añadidos nuevos métodos de pago además del método de pago anterior (SADDAD) como VISA, MasterCard, Mada y Apple Pay.
El 17 de febrero de 2021, SASO anunció que los organismos de certificación (OC) tienen restringida la emisión de certificados de conformidad de producto (COC) para cisternas utilizadas para el transporte de productos petrolíferos. SASO es la única entidad que puede emitir COCs para estos productos. Este cambio afecta a los siguientes reglamentos técnicos:
Reglamento técnico para cisternas - Parte 1: Cisternas para el transporte de productos petrolíferos
Reglamento técnico de las barreras delanteras, traseras y laterales para camiones y remolques
Reglamento técnico de remolques y semirremolques
Las preguntas sobre este proceso pueden enviarse al ing. Faris Mannaa en f.mannaa@saso.gov.sa
SASO ha anunciado que permitirá el uso de SASO GSO IEC-60950-1:2012, SASO IEC-60065:2020 y SASO IEC-62368-1:2017 hasta el 30 de junio de 2021. A partir del 1 de julio de 2021, SASO solo aceptará SASO IEC-62368-1:2020. Cualquier certificado SASO IECEE emitido entre el 1 de julio de 2020 y el 30 de junio de 2021 tendrá una validez de un (1) año.
Anteriormente, la SASO anunció que ampliaría a cinco (5) años el periodo de validez de los informes de ensayo de eficiencia energética (EER) para determinados productos relacionados. A partir de enero de 2021, los productos afectados por esta exención tendrán que volver al periodo de validez del informe de ensayo original.
Productos | Fecha del informe de ensayo |
Pequeña CA, SASO 2663:2018 | ≥ 6 meses |
Frigoríficos, Frigoríficos-Congeladores, Congeladores, SASO 2892:2018 | ≥ 6 meses |
Lavadoras, SASO 2885:2018 | ≥ 6 meses |
Secadoras de ropa, SASO 2883:2017 | ≥ 6 meses |
Calentadores de agua, SASO 2884:2017 | ≥ 6 meses |
Producto de iluminación 1, SASO 2870:2018 | ≥ 3 años |
Producto de iluminación 2, SASO 2902:2018 | ≥ 3 años |
Producto de iluminación 3, SASO 2927:2019 | ≥ 5 años |
Motores eléctricos, SASO 2893:2018 | ≥ 2 años |
Acondicionadores de aire a gran escala, SASO 2874:2016 | ≥ 5 años |
Si desea más información sobre esta actualización, póngase en contacto con nosotros en certification@qima.com.
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